Friday, May 6, 2016

Seven ways of stress relief for busy people

Seven ways of stress relief for busy people - offered with love from Susan Shi studio:
  1. Rather than complaining about work, might as well work on self improvements and lower self expectations
  2. Rather than worrying about health, might as well change life habits early and adjust daily moods
  3. Rather than concerning about others' judgment, might as well love yourself, improve yourself and be the best of yourself
  4. Rather than considering responsibilities burdensome, might as well adjust attitude and accomplish things happily
  5. Rather than excavating and criticizing others' shortcomings, might as well appreciate and praise others' merits
  6. Rather than treating the world with sarcasm and hatred, might as well embrace life with lenience and patience
  7. Rather than getting stuck with a person or a matter, might as well deep breathe, let go, look at the clouds, and hear birds singing.   Maybe you will find life is still bright and merry after all!

1. 与其抱怨事情的艰难,不如提高自己的能力,并降低自己的期望;
2. 与其担心身体的病痛,不如早一点改变生活习惯,调节自己的心情;
3. 与其担心他人的想法,不如爱自己,完善自己,做最好的自己;
4. 与其觉得责任是一种负担,不如调整心态,开开心心地做该做的事情;
5. 与其挖掘,批评他人的缺点,不如欣赏,赞扬他人的优点;
6. 与其用讽刺,愤怒来对待世界,不如用宽容,耐心来接纳世界。
7. 与其纠结于一人一事,不如深呼吸,放开手,去看看云朵,听听鸟唱,也许你会发现人生依然海阔天空!

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