Not sure when it started, this deep belief has rooted in my heart, that is: “arts and cultural exchange will help build a better human society.” I am fortunate to live in the San Francisco bay area - a very advanced and open environment both technically and culturally. What if we can build a multi-cultural stage here, and allow people from different cultural, religious and ethnic background to present and appreciate each other’s arts, wouldn’t that be wonderful? Wouldn’t that help fill the society with more understanding and love?
Based on this very simple idea, we established Tian Hong Foundation, a non-profit organization. Our dream is to engage more people to participate in different cultural activities, appreciate different works of art and get to know different life philosophy. In other words, we hope to fill people’s life with more beauty and kindness.
Talking about cultural exchange, we wanted to start with our deep loved Chinese culture. Five thousand years of accumulation and evolvement has given Chinese culture its profound depth and meaning. The challenge is that - in such a fast paced society, how do we even get people to take some tranquil moments, to appreciate the ancient aesthetics, to be touched by the ever lasting love and to experience the soulful moments?
Over the many years, Fantasia Performing Arts Center has persisted in offering free annual performance shows to the public. I have been a student at Fantasia for many years and fully understand the level of difficulty behind this persistence. Not only the financial funding for the annual performance is scarce, but teaching all the dancing students to elevate simple dancing movements into an artistic dancing drama is extremely difficult to manage and coordinate.
This year, Tian Hong foundation is pleased to collaborate with Fantasia Performing Arts Center to bring on stage the adapted dancing drama based on the famous Chinese novel “Dream of the Red Chamber”. This dancing drama, utilizing Chinese classical dancing and Peking opera dancing techniques is the brainchild of Carol Ma - art director of Fantasia. It also incorporated the hard work and collaboration of all the teachers and students at Fantasia Performing Arts Center. We hope to present this to the audience in the bay area as a delicious Chinese cultural feast!
Here is to wish a very successful performance this year for Fantasia, and we hope more people will support us and join us!
P.S. If you would like to come see the show, please register here:
不知道从什么时候开始,心中有了一个深深的理念,那就是:“人类在文化和艺术上的交流会创造一个更为和美的社会。” 我有幸生活在科技和文化都十分进步开明的旧金山湾区,如果能在这样一个地方建立一个多文化的舞台,让不同文化,不同宗教,不同民族背景的人们能够互相交流,互相欣赏彼此的艺术作品,那该多好啊!这样的社会里,不是会有更多的理解和爱吗?
就是这样一个单纯的念头,让我们建立了天鸿基金会(Tian Hong Foundation),一个纯粹非营利的组织。我们的理想,只是想用我们积蓄的启动资金,来为社区做一些小小的事情,让更多的人可以参与不同的文化活动,欣赏不同的艺术作品,并了解不同的生活理念,让人们的生活里,更多一些美的和善的东西。
说起文化交流,当然要从我深深热爱的中国文化开始。上下五千年的文化,博大精深。 在这样一个高科技,一切都讲究速度和效率的社会里,怎样才能让人们静下心来,欣赏那古远和优雅的美,感受那让人潸然泪下的爱,和体会生命本身所应有的种种震撼呢?
这么多年来,Fantasia Performing Arts Center一直坚持以免费的形式给湾区公众带来中国的舞剧,功夫和古典舞. 我已经在这个舞团学习了多年,深深地体会到这种坚持的艰难和困苦。不仅每年公演的资金极其缺乏,要让学舞的孩子们理解到舞剧的精髓,从单纯的舞步提升到一个真正有艺术感染力的,揉合了表演,技巧,和激情的作品,又谈何容易!
今年,Tian Hong Foundation 有幸成为 Fantasia Performing Arts Center 的合作者,把中国的古典名著《红楼梦》以戏曲身段和舞蹈的形式搬上舞台。这部舞剧里,凝聚了Fantasia 艺术总监Carol Ma多年的心血和所有舞蹈老师学生的通力合作。我们希望把这部舞剧呈现给湾区的观众,让大家共享一次中国文化的盛宴。
P.S. 票务登记: